Concierge Pest Control at Your Command
Elite Ops is used to providing secure spaces for VIPs. We know the level of security and discretion that’s necessary when dealing with those who are in the public eye. Celebrities, professional athletes, politicians—if you’re a high-profile individual looking to keep your home safe from pests, we’ll provide you with your own private pest security personnel. They will put together an intricate and comprehensive pest security strategy to keep you free from wandering pests…like you wish to be free of the wandering eyes.
Our high-profile clients require a certain level of discretion when it comes to having a pest control vehicle show up at their home. We understand this. That’s why our trucks don’t have any pictures of bugs on them, and our staff are attired in sharp, tactical-looking uniforms that will deter the prying eyes of onlookers seeking to defame you through any petty means…such as the suggestion of uncleanliness on your part.

Pest Management
Regular maintenance is the most effective form of pest prevention. As a high-profile individual, you’re used to the finer things—and Elite Ops can oblige. We put the world class training we received in the armed forces to work through our Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This will be accomplished through your personal Elite Ops HERO who is stationed at your property to execute continual pest management duties based on the custom strategy deployed for your property.
service schedules
As Needed
Level Up Your Pest Control Company
Our HEROs are ready to serve.